Titel Contemporary Japan. Journal of the German Institute for Japanese Studies Tokyo
Erscheinungsjahr 2019 Jahrgang/Heft Vol. 31 No. 2, 2019
ISSN 1869-2729 Signatur BZ029-1 DIJ-Nr. 0003040
Introduction to special section. Emotions and affect in studies on contemporary Japan Holthus, Barbara 118-121
Becoming right-wing citizens in contemporary Japan Asahina, Yûki 122-140
Emotional costs of providing social support to political prisoners Steinhoff, Patricia G. 141-158
"Coming Out" as a family with an LGB member in Japan. Normalizing strategies and negotiating with social norms Motoyama, Kotona 159-179
The roads to disaster, or rewriting history from the margins. YĆ» Miri's JR Ueno Station Park Exit Iwata-Weickgenannt, Kristina 180-196
The Olympics and Japanese national identity. Multi-layered otherness in Tokyo 2016 and 2020 Tamaki, Taku 197-214
An investigation into the roles of the Katakana syllabary in Japanese discourse. From the perspective of discourse producers' motivation Cochrane, Yumiko 215-233
The academics and their institutional environment in Japan. A view from outside Teichler, Ulrich 234-263