Titel Contemporary Japan. Journal of the German Institute for Japanese Studies Tokyo
Erscheinungsjahr 2014 Jahrgang/Heft Vol. 26 No. 1, 2014
ISSN 1869-2729 Signatur BZ029-1 DIJ-Nr. 0017828
"We must learn from Germany". Gliders and model airplanes as tools for Japan's mass mobilization Melzer, Jürgen 1-28
Constructed heritage and co-produced meaning. The re-branding of wines from the Koshu grape Kingsbury, Aaron 29-48
"Who will care for me when I am dead?" Ancestors, homeless spirits, and new afterlives in low-fertility Japan Kawano, Satsuki 49-69
Effects of investments in out-of-school education in Germany and Japan Entrich, Steve R. 71-102
The death penalty in a changing society. A survey of recent developments in Japan Croydon, Silvia 103-123
The end of salaryman tax reduction. Japan's tax policy and its social background Toyofuku, Miki 125-149
Self and salvation. Visions of "hikikomori" in Japanese manga Heinze, Ulrich / Thomas, Penelope 151-169